Customized Photography and Pricing

I am asked the question, “Why is photography so expensive?” quite often and here is a very perfect response.  This is an article that explains in detail what you are paying for when you book a session with a custom photographer.  You should know what you are paying for and why it costs more than going to a chain portrait place.  After all, photographers want you to value the portraits hanging on your walls.

{Allowed by Marianne Drenthe of Marmalade Photography}


Baby Evangeline

We were blessed with a Christmas baby and I was blessed to get to take her newborn pictures!  Here are a few from our shoot.



Harrison was so much fun to photograph.  He loved the water surrounding the rocks and especially loved climbing the tree.  Thanks for being such a great sport, Harr-Bear! 


These are of Avery at her second birthday.  She was so much fun to photograph…she really loved this yellow flower I gave her to hold.